The huge selling point of this procedure is that the patient goes home with new teeth after just one surgery session. However, there a many misconceptions in the marketing world as a simple sentence can mean 4 different ways to get new teeth. So, I highly recommend you learn all your options.
Teeth in one day is famously known as a one session procedure, however, you ALWAYS need a second set of teeth that is custom made to where your gums have healed. The fabrication of the second set of teeth can take 4 to 8 weeks.
The price of these procedures can range from about $10,000 to $70,000.
But why does the price vary so much?
Because there are several steps to the procedure:
1. Anesthesia. Most patients want to be put to sleep. Even if the procedure can be done in 2 hours, it is still a long time under the knife, the chucking of teeth, and the drilling of the bone! However, I have had the brave few patients who will do this just under local anesthesia (novociane, but we use stronger anesthetics like septicaine) where only their mouth is numb, but they are wide awake! Please refer to our sedation section for more details on the anesthesia options.
2. Pulling teeth. Yes, it is literally pulling teeth. However, everyone thinks it is just pulling teeth. Pulling or extracting teeth is a bit more technical than anyone thinks. Also, pulling teeth is surgery; so you have to be medically evaluated to make sure you can tolerate the surgery and heal appropriately after the procedure.
3. Trimming of the jaw bone. Alveoloplasty is the fancy dental terminology for trimming the jaw bone.
It is the plastic surgery done to your jawbone to trim it like a wood block so it has a smooth shape to receive the implants and support your gums so your new teeth are comfortable.
4. Dental implants. The dental implant is a biocompatible screw that goes in the jaw bone. Your jaw bone will attach to the implant when it heals. There are different types of implants and your dentist will determine the best fit for you.
5. Abutments. The abutment is a pillar that connects the implants to your new teeth!
6. Bone grafting. Any holes from the old teeth that were removed are filled with bone graft mixed with your blood (L-PRF) which is like putty; once again to give the bone the best shape to support your gums and to make sure all the implants are completely covered by bone.
7. Stitching up the gums. It’s exactly what it says. The gums are stitched around the abutments.
8. New teeth or denture. The denture can be made of different materials. Technically, includes temporary acrylic, acrylic with a supporting titanium bar, or zirconia ceramic. Yes, the zirconia ceramic is very similar to cubic zirconia like diamonds!
So, depending on the components used and the steps implemented in the procedure, the cost of the procedure varies.
2024 Dental Implant Buying Guide
Your one stop shop to teeth in a day options with price & cost comparison.